
Alternative Names: Liposculpture, Lipoplasty, Laser Lipo, Lipo, SAFELipo
thin woman torso model png
Plastic surgery liposuction before and after
Plastic surgery liposuction before and after
sixsurgery chin toronto liposuction before and after
sixsurgery chin toronto chin liposuction before and after
Plastic surgery liposuction before and after
Plastic surgery liposuction before and after

Summary of Liposuction

  • COST:



    1 - 3 Hours

    Local or General Anesthesia
    2 - 3 Days - Return to Work
    4 - 6 Weeks - Full Activity


While diet and exercise is a great way to shrink areas of stubborn fat, it doesn’t actually remove the fat cells from your body. Liposuction is a procedure that can reshape almost any area of the body by removing excess fat deposits. This procedure is less invasive than most surgical procedures, and leaves a very small scar, making it an ideal procedure for those who would like to sculpt their figure without the intense recovery time.

The SixSurgery team is renowned for their liposuction technique, both as stand-alone procedures or in addition to other body contouring surgeries. SixSurgery uses the SAFELipo technique as it is regarded worldwide as the best technique to avoid tell-tale lumps and bumps of other liposuction techniques.

It is important to note that the post operative care for liposuction includes consistent intense massage that will help to ensure the smoothest results. Click here to learn more about Post Liposuction Massage.

Why Liposuction

Remove stubborn areas of fat

Many people gain localized fat deposits that are resistant to even the most vigorous exercise program or diet.

Improve your Proportions

Address areas of the body that carry extra fullness that feel out of proportion to the rest of your physique.

Improve your Self-Image

Obtain a smooth and slim silhouette that you are proud of.

  • sixsurgery toronto face liposuction before and after

    Neck liposuction to improve the jawline contour. After photos take at 3 months.

  • sixsurgery toronto liposuction before and after

    Liposuction of love handles and bra lines. After photo at 6 weeks after surgery.

  • sixsurgery toronto male liposuction before and after

    Liposuction of the male chest for gynecomastia – male breast reduction. After photos taken at three months.

What is Liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure that reshapes almost any area of the body by using various surgical methods to remove excess fat deposits. The procedure is much less invasive than other fat-reducing methodologies, which makes it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their appearance.

SixSurgery has performed thousands of liposuction procedures to date, both as stand-alone procedures or as procedures in addition to other body contouring surgeries. We mainly use the SAFELipo technique as it is regarded worldwide as the best technique to avoid tell-tale signs of liposuction.

During the procedure, your surgeon will make several small inconspicuous incisions on the targeted areas. A diluted local anesthesia solution will then be infused in order to reduce the bleeding and control pain. A thin, hollow tube called a cannula is then inserted through the incisions to loosen the excess fat, which will then be aspirated from the body. The remaining fat cells are then equalized to create a smooth result and prevent irregularities. Drains may be placed in the incision areas to reduce fluid buildup and swelling. Finally, a compression bandage or garment may be placed on the areas in order to help reduce the swelling.

Click here to learn more about how to choose the most qualified surgeon for this delicate procedure.

sixsurgery toronto SAFE liposuction before and after

Are you a

A good candidate for liposuction has realistic expectations as to what the procedure can achieve. Liposuction is best used to address stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise, and not for overall weight loss. Liposuction carries greater risks for patients that suffer from medical problems such as poor blood circulation, lung or heart disease, diabetes, etc.

Age is not a major consideration for liposuction, however, older patients with loss of skin elasticity may not achieve the same results as a younger patient.

Is Liposuction right for you?

internal vs external fat before and after

Understanding Internal vs External Fat and Liposuction

Types of Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction is the most widely used form of liposuction. In this procedure, the area that is being treated is injected with a mixture of sterile salt water to help remove fat, anesthetic (lidocaine) to relieve pain, and epinephrine to constrict the blood vessels to reduce bleeding. Small incisions are made in the skin, and then a small cannula (a small tube) is used to suction out the fats and fluids. This procedure results in less blood loss and bruising than other procedures.

Super-wet Technique

The super-wet technique requires the injection of a volume of dilute local anesthesia that is less than half the volume used for the tumescent technique. Surgical blood loss with the super-wet technique is greater than the tumescent technique but significantly less than the wet technique.

Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL) – VASER

This method uses ultrasonic vibrations to turn fat cells into liquid. We are excited to be the first to introduce the latest generation of VASER, a tool that allows us to offer Hi-Def Liposculpting to our patients.

Power Assisted Liposuction

In Power Assisted Liposuction, a vibrating cannula is used to remove fat from tough, fibrous areas. Power Assisted Liposuction usually causes less pain and swelling, as it allows your surgeon to remove fat with great precision. This procedure is particularly effective on smaller areas like arms, knees and ankles.

Laser-assisted Liposuction (LAL)

This method uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells. It is associated with an increased risk of lipo burns, and because it melts fat, it is not suitable for fat transfer procedures such as a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) or fat transfer to breasts.


SAFE is an acronym for Separation, Aspiration, Fat Equalization – the three stages of the SAFELipo technique. A variation on the Power Assisted Liposuction technique, this procedure is quickly becoming the most popular liposuction technique because of its ability to reshape the body in a safe and effective manner. It is widely considered the best technique to provide a safe, natural-looking liposuction result without the tell-tale signs of surgery, such as lumpy skin.


This image shows a patient before and immediately after liposuction of her lower back and bra rolls. 3300mL of fat was removed from those areas using SAFELiposuction technique.

Cost of Liposuction

Please NOTE these are estimates and actual fees can vary greatly as the fee quoted will be based on your size, BMI, estimated amount of fat removed and estimated time required to perform the procedure.

Cost Breakdown: $ 7500 + (First Area), + $ 2500 – $ 7000 (for each additional area)

liposuction fees

Lipo Packages:

Total Abdomen: $8500 (Incl: Upper And Lower)

Lipo360: $17300 + (Incl: Abdomen, Love Handles, Bra Rolls)

Total Thigh: $12600 (Anterior And Medial Thigh)

Liposuction Packages are available and save up to $7500 by getting multiple body areas.

Click HERE for Full Cost of Liposuction

Additional Procedure: Renuvion J-Plasma, H

Recovery Time of a
Liposuction Surgical Procedure

After your liposuction procedure, there will be swelling and bruising. You will have some discomfort, which can be controlled by the pain medication prescribed. This pain should subside within a few days.

  • Recovery Supplies

    You may also be required to wear tight compression garments or elastic bandages for several weeks to help reduce swelling and to compress the skin to accentuate the new body contour. See Recovery Market Post-Surgery Lipo Recovery Kits for high-quality products. Heal with not only less pain, but smoother more dramatic contours. Find compression garments, absorbent pads, shaping boards, waist trainers, specialized pillows, bed pan, foams and gel.

  • Temporary Drains

    Temporary drains may be placed beneath the skin to help remove any excess fluid or blood.

  • Swelling

    Swelling will be present, but it will begin to reduce in about 7 - 10 days. While the results of your liposuction procedure will be seen almost immediately, this swelling will distort the actual results. Swelling will continue to reduce, but some swelling may persist for 3-6 months. Your results are best appreciated at three months after surgery when most of the swelling has subsided.

  • Scarring

    Because the incisions made during liposuction are very small and discretely placed, scarring is minimal and generally fades over time.

  • Return to Work

    Depending on the amount and the extent of liposuction you have, it is probable that you can return to work in 2-3 days. However, if more extensive liposuction is performed, you may want to take off one week from work.

  • Bruising and Discomfort

    Discomfort and pain usually lasts for 1 - 3 days and can generally be controlled with prescribed pain medication. Most bruising and swelling will be present for 7 - 10 days and swelling will continue to subside over 3 - 6 months.

  • When can I Exercise?

    Full activities including exercise can be resumed at 6 weeks following surgery.

Is Liposuction Dangerous?

It is safe, but like all surgical procedures, liposuction has potential risks. As may occur in most types of surgery, in rare instances, bleeding could occur or blood clots could form under the skin. Skin irregularities such as lumpiness may occur, but many times this disappears over time and dissipates after a massage. Infection is very rare, but is also possible. Numbness is common after surgery and in some cases may persist.

Is Liposuction Painful?

Surprisingly, liposuction is not typically very painful. The pain and discomfort is generally manageable by the pain medication prescribed, and it should reduce after the first few days.

Do I Need More Than One Session?

Safety is a priority at SixSurgery, and liposuction volumes of greater than 5L are associated with increased surgical risk. For safety reasons, you may require more than one session of liposuction to achieve your goals.

Is Liposuction a Treatment for Obesity?

No. Liposuction is not a solution for obesity. This is best approached with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

How Long does the Procedure Take?

The procedure typically takes between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the amount of fat to be removed.

What is the Liposuction Procedure?

Dr. Jugenburg will make several small, inconspicuous incisions on the area(s) involved. He will then infuse a diluted local anesthesia in order to reduce the bleeding and trauma. A thin, hollow tube called a cannula is then inserted through the incisions to loosen the excess fat, which Dr. Jugenburg will then suction out of the body. Dr. Jugenburg will repeat these steps as necessary until the desired results are achieved. Drains may be placed in the incision areas to reduce fluid buildup and swelling. Finally, a compression bandage or garment may be placed on the areas in order to help reduce the swelling.

Can all my fat be liposuctioned?

Fat that is located within the abdominal cavity (internal fat) cannot be removed with liposuction. Your surgeon can determine during your consultation if your area of concern can be addressed with liposuction.


Confidential Consultation