Male Pectoral Implants

Enhancing the Centerpiece of a Fit Body

No matter how much a man exercises, there is a limit to the definition and fullness that can be achieved in the pectoral muscles. It can be due to many reasons, from genetics to medical conditions, but while other muscles in the upper body can experience bulk and definition from exercising, the pectoral muscles can leave a lot to be desired.

That’s why there are pectoral implants for men. These are solid silicone implants that are placed within the chest. For those who simply can’t achieve strong, toned and defined pectoral muscles, pectoral implant surgery offers a viable alternative. The implants are able to reverse the look of a flat or undefined chest, making it look more muscular.

Am I a Candidate for Pectoral Implant Surgery?

The best candidates for pectoral implants are men who are in good physical shape, have realistic expectations and are unhappy with their chest and desire a more muscular appearance. Candidates include:

  • Men who have an undeveloped chest and are unable to achieve a larger or more defined chest regardless of how much exercise is per formed.
  • Men with a sunken chest
  • Men with an absent pectoral muscle (Poland’s Syndrome)

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for the pectoral implant surgery is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jugenburg. He will discuss your goals and expectations and determine the best approach for your particular situation.

What Can You Expect With Pectoral Implants?

The best way to determine if pectoral implant surgery is the right procedure for your appearance and condition is to discuss the operation with Dr. Jugenburg. You will have an opportunity to discuss your goals and expectations with the doctor, and ask any relevant questions you have about the surgery.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Jugenburg will:

  • Review your medical history and any medications you are taking
  • Discuss the part of your body that you would like treated Provide
  • recommendations based on you needs and your goals

Dr. Jugenburg will listen to your needs, expectations and your desired outcome from the pectoral implant surgery. The doctor will discuss the procedure with you, and answer any questions you may have. You will be able to tour our state-of-the-art surgical facility located in the beautiful Fairmont Royal York Hotel. During this time you will also be able to meet with our caring staff that will be part of your team.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and takes about two hours.

At the time of surgery, an incision of about 2 inches is made in the armpit, and a pocket is made between the pectoralis major muscle and the rib cage. This is the area the implant will be placed. The incision in the armpit is important because scars on the chest wall itself will be quite visible.

The surgery uses a solid, silicone implant that is positioned in the subpectoral pocket, providing a natural look and feel to the pectoral muscles. Sutures are used to create a multilayer closure on the skin and muscles, securing the implant in place with minimal scarring. A compression vest or wrap is then secured to provide comfort and minimize the swelling.

Following your surgery, there will be discomfort, which will be managed by the prescription pain medication Dr. Jugenburg ordered for you. After the surgery, you may want to spend the first night in one of the beautifully appointed rooms in the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, and you will be seen the following morning before being released to go home.

During recovery it is critical that you refrain from smoking. Smoking deprives your body of oxygen, which increases the risk of wound breakdown and infection following the surgery.

Dr. Jugenburg or his expert nurses will see you at regularly scheduled intervals during the weeks following the surgery. This is done so that we can personally monitor your recovery process, and to ensure that you have the best results possible.

For the first week you will need to limit your physical activity, particularly the use of your arms. Your incision will heal within 2-weeks, but the area where the pectoral implants were placed will take about 6 weeks to heal.

By having realistic expectations and goals, and following the recovery instructions provided by Dr. Jugenburg, you will enjoy a smooth recovery and excellent results from the surgery.

Pectoral Implants

Is any special preparation necessary before the surgery?

You will discuss your medications with during your initial consultation, and the doctor may have you stop taking certain medications prior to your surgery. Do not smoke for at least two weeks before the procedure, and at least two weeks after.

What happens in the operating room?

An incision is made in each armpit, and a pocket is created between the pectoralis major muscle and the rib cage. A solid silicone is inserted, and the incisions are closed.

What is the recovery process?

There will be discomfort and swelling following the surgery, and your pain will be controlled with prescription pain medication prescribed by. The surgery site will heal in about two weeks, but it will take about 6 weeks for complete healing of the pectoral pocket where the implants are placed.

How soon can I return to work?

Most patients are able to return to work in about a week following the surgery, but strenuous activity or lifting should be avoided.

Are there any complications associated with mini pectoral implant surgery?

As with all cosmetic surgeries, there are some risks involved. These risks include bleeding, infection and collection of fluid under the skin, swelling and blood clots. Our operating suite is state-of-the-art, and we do everything we can to minimize the risks associated with surgery. Most importantly, and his team have various protocols in place to prevent complications from occurring.


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