Male Tummy Tuck

Alternative Names: Abdominoplasty
shirtless man with abs torso

Summary of Male Tummy Tuck

  • COST:
    $ 7300 (mini) or $ 10 300+ (full) (additional liposuction: $ 2500 – $ 6500 per additional area to be liposuctioned) $ 13 300 - 18 500 + (extended tummy tuck)

    2-3 Hours

    General Anesthesia
    4-6 weeks (Mini: 1-3 Weeks)


An abdominoplasty (commonly referred to as a Tummy Tuck) removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and repairs separated abdominal muscles to restore a flatter, firmer and more youthful abdominal profile. This is done by separating the skin from the abdominal wall, repairing abdominal muscle widening, and then pulling down and repositioning the skin to create a smoother appearance.

Male Tummy Tuck Sculpting A More Flattering Male Abdomen

The SixSurgery team offers both the traditional tummy tuck and the extended tummy tuck, but what sets us apart from other clinics is our drain-free technique. This is a new and improved surgical technique that does not require a drain during the recovery period. We also take special care to position our incisions very low on the abdomen so that they are well hidden within the bikini line, and patients come to our clinic after appreciating this detail in our results. Contrary to popular belief, Tummy Tucks are not just for Mommy Makeovers but for anyone with loose abdominal skin.

Learn more about the drain-free Tummy Tuck here.

Are you a Candidate?

First, patients must understand that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for losing weight. The surgery is designed to remove the excess skin and fat deposits around your stomach that won’t go away no matter the amount of exercise you do. If you’re close to meeting your weight loss goals but find it difficult to remove the sagging skin and excess fat from your abdomen, you’re probably a good candidate for a male tummy tuck.

In addition, you should:
  • Be in good health
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks prior to surgery
  • Review your medications with our team during your consultation – they may have you stop certain medications prior to surgery

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for a male tummy tuck is to schedule a consultation with our team. During the consultation, you can tour our state-of-the-art facility located in the beautiful Fairmont Royal York Hotel, and meet with our staff, who will be helping you with every step of your journey.

How much does Male Tummy Tuck cost?

Tummy tuck (drain free or with drain)
$ 7300 (mini) or $ 10 300 - $16 500 +

(additional liposuction: $ 2500 – $ 6500 per additional area to be liposuctioned)

Tummy tuck (extended or vertical)
$ 13 300 - 18 500 +
Additional liposuction
$ 2500 – $ 6500 per additional area to be liposuctioned

(please note liposuction fees differ greatly depending on the area and and expected volume of liposuction)

Common Additions
$ 2500 + (when added to liposuction or BBL)
$ 2500 + (when added to liposuction or BBL)
Ab etching/VASER Hi Def
$ 4500 + (when added to liposuction or BBL) (already includes VASER fee) PLEASE NOTE BMI Requirement must be UNDER 25

Recovery Process

Following an abdominoplasty bruising and swelling is to be expected, which will diminish over a period of one to two weeks. Because patients retain some water following the procedure, there will be some temporary weight gain. This is normal, and will dissipate quickly.

Recovery from tummy tuck surgery requires rest and taking it easy. The first two days following the surgery are usually the most uncomfortable. After the first two days you’ll notice a dramatic improvement in how you feel. Because of the innovative surgical techniques by SixSurgery, your discomfort will be easily controlled with prescription medication only.
During your recovery you should avoid strenuous physical activity; this is especially important if your abdominal muscles have been repaired from diastasis recti. You may need to limit your physical activity from four to six weeks.

After your tummy tuck procedure, you will have a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is proportionate with your individual body type and weight. The actual results will be hidden due to swelling at first, but you will begin to see your new slimmer profile within one to two weeks after surgery. Depending on the surgery, it may take anywhere from several weeks or months to see the final results.

During recovery it is critical that you refrain from smoking. Smoking deprives your body of oxygen, which increases the risk of wound breakdown and infection following the surgery.

The goal of a tummy tuck is to provide you with a tighter, smoother and more toned abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Scarring

A full tummy tuck involves a scar that typically runs from hip to hip. We make every effort to keep the scar as low as possible so that when you wear your pants or a bikini, the scar is hidden. There is also a scar around the belly button. A mini tummy tuck does not have a belly button scar.

These scars take several months to fade, and a year to fully mature.

Can the scar be shorter? The tummy tuck scar length varies in length from patient to patient. The length is determined by your existing fold and how much loose skin you have. If you look in a mirror and see the fold where your skin folds over, this can help estimate the extent of your scar. Trying to cheat and make the incision shorter results in unnatural looking folds/lumps on at the sides of the incision and insufficient removal of loose skin. If you are unsure about how long your scar would be, you can always send us your picture for an assessment.

Tummy Tuck Risks and Complications

Avoid any vigorous exercise, heavy lift, or gym for 6 weeks after the surgery. Failure to do so will lead to loss of muscle repair, and abdominal bulging (throughout the entire abdomen, around the belly button, or in the upper or lower abdominal area), Although complications following Abdominoplasty are infrequent; the following may occur:

  • Bleeding

    Bleeding, which in rare instances could require hospitalization and blood transfusion. Blood clots may form under the skin and require drainage.

  • Skin irregularities

    Skin irregularities, lumpiness, hardness and dimpling may result; some problems disappear with time and from massage, other problems may persist and additional treatments may be necessary

  • Infection

    Infection is rare but may occur and treatment with antibiotics and/or drainage may be required. In rare instances surgery may be required for severe infection (such as necrotizing fasciitis.)

  • Wound dehiscence

    Wound dehiscence (wound opening) may occur and is generally allowed to heal on its own. This may be related to loss of blood supply to the skin (skin necrosis).

  • Outpatient nursing

    Outpatient nursing may be required to assist with the wound care. You may be required to travel to a local clinic for daily wound care.

  • Hernia

    Hernia may be found during the surgery and may require surgical repair, which may be associated with potential injury to the bowel.

  • Numbness

    Numbness of the skin over treated areas is common and can persist for months. In rare cases it may be permanent.

  • Abnormal scarring

    Abnormal scarring or scar position is rare but is possible.

  • Dizziness

    Dizziness may occur during the first week following Abdominoplasty surgery particularly upon rising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised while walking. Do not drive a car if dizziness is present.

  • Deep Venous Thrombosis,

    Deep Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Fat Embolism may occur.

  • Abdominal perforation

    Abdominal perforation may also occur in rare instances.

The risk of these specific complications is increased in patients with increased BMI and previous abdominal surgeries. If left untreated these complications may be fatal.

How should I prepare for my tummy tuck?

There isn’t much preparation for the procedure. Patients should, however, stop smoking 2 weeks before surgery in order to ensure a full and uncomplicated recovery. If you are planning on losing weight, you should do it prior to the surgery, not after. Patients should be at their goal weight in order to have the least amount of intra-abdominal fat possible.

What happens in the operating room?

You will be placed under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make an incision along your pubic hairline, and then will remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin is pulled tight in order to create a firm abdomen, and then sutured together. Some liposuction may be performed initially to help sculpt the abdomen. Some patients choose to add additional liposuction (such as flanks) to their tummy tucks. The procedure will take about 1-3 hours to complete.

What is the recovery process for a tummy tuck?

Thanks in part to SixSurgery’s drain-free technique, the recovery for a tummy tuck is usually quick and uncomplicated. For a traditional tummy tuck that involves drains, you will be able to return to work in about 10 days (though this will depend on the amount of physical activity required). With a drain-free tummy tuck, you should return to work much sooner. You will be swollen and bruised, and should avoid any vigorous physical activity or lifting for about 6 weeks.

Am I a candidate for a mini tummy tuck?

The decision to have a mini tummy tuck depends on the amount of excess tissue and skin that has to be removed, and where it is located on the abdomen. If you only need to have excess tissue in the lower abdomen removed, then a mini tummy tuck may produce the results you are looking for, our consult team will determine the best procedure for your specific case.

Would liposuction or a tummy tuck be better me?

Liposuction is a good way to remove excess fat in the abdominal area, but it can’t create abdominal tightness, nor remove excess, sagging skin. Some patients hope to be a candidate for only liposuction, however, liposuction will not replace a tummy tuck and the results are never as good as a proper tummy tuck. You can discuss your specific case during your consultation with our team.

Will there be scarring?

Yes, there will be a scar, roughly from him to hip, on the pubic hairline, which is usually hidden by swimwear or underwear.

Are there complications associated with male tummy tucks?

As with all cosmetic surgery, there are some risks involved. Risks associated with tummy tucks include excessive bleeding, infection, swelling, scar irregularities and blood clots, but they are rare. Our operating suite is state-of-the-art, and we do everything we can to minimize the risks associated with surgery. Most importantly, our team has various protocols in place to prevent complications from occurring.


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